k-12 Education

Fall Creek School District

Fall Creek, WI

River Valley Architects was hired to develop a planning tool for the district to address its long-term needs. As is typical for evaluations performed by RVA, this tool included an assessment of all district-owned buildings and grounds, budget numbers for all recommended improvements, and prioritization of these improvements. Because of the information gained from the master planning, the School Board decided to seek a referendum for the high-priority improvements and began scheduling the lower-priority improvements. With the help of successful campaigning showing the community that their taxes would not increase due to their former debt falling off and the use of the master plan showing well-thought-out improvements, the community spoke and overwhelmingly voted to proceed with the project.

RVA has completed the construction documents for major remodeling and an addition to the Elementary School portion of the building as well as ADA compliance upgrades throughout the entire building.