John MacKenzie

Architectural Associate


John’s biggest asset as a Architectural Associate is his ability to see a challenge as an opportunity for growth. John is willing to motivate and provide an honest perspective when assisting on a team even when projects face roadblocks. With his determination, he earned an Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement from Waukesha County Technical College, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. With his continual enthusiasm to sharpen his drafting skills, John is a valuable addition to various project types.

John MacKenzie

Architectural Associate


The Connector

biggest inspiration

Learning new things. I love to grow my knowledge and learn something new every day. I try to be like a sponge and absorb great knowledge as I come across it.

biggest motivator

My family. Family is everything to me.

Words to live by

“Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.” -Shaq